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Replace missing teeth


General Dentistry

Dental Implant Treatment

Teeth allow us to do some of the most enjoyable things in life: enjoying meals with loved ones, having long conversations with friends or smiling in photos to create memories that will last forever. But sometimes, missing teeth or loose dentures can prevent us from making the most of these moments.



Does this situation sound all too familiar?


What we’re describing is common - but thankfully, it’s something that we help patients to overcome every day.  We offer a permanent, natural-looking solution that will transform the way you live your life. Those foods you used to eat whenever you could? They’ll return to your diet again, and you’ll enjoy them without any pain. The urge to cover your mouth when laughing with friends or smiling in photos? It will become a thing of the past. Instead, you’ll discover new-found confidence, happiness, and a sense of self. 


​Dental implants integrate into your jawbone, making them a permanent solution to replace missing or loose teeth. Not only does the tooth blend in perfectly with your other natural teeth, but the artificial titanium ‘root’ anchors it to your jaw, just like a natural tooth root. It looks and functions exactly like your natural teeth, so no one needs to know you’ve had treatment. 

How it works

You might be dreading this part, but trust us! It’s relatively painless, mainly due to the local anaesthetic we administer before the procedure. If you’re particularly nervous about the treatment, we can offer IV sedation; this means you will be conscious during the procedure but in a state of deep relaxation. 


The procedure will only take around 20 minutes per tooth, and patients often report it as less painful than a tooth extraction! In most cases, we will temporarily replace your missing tooth with a crown until we fit your permanent replacement tooth. 


Discomfort in the days following the procedure is normal, and we recommend painkillers such as Paracetamol and Ibuprofen to manage this. 


Your new tooth

Now, this is the most exciting part for you. Around three to four months after your placement, the titanium implant will have fused with your jaw in a process called ‘osseointegration’. It’s there to stay!


We will take a digital scan and send it to our preferred dental lab. They will tailor-make a crown that matches your natural teeth. 


Around two weeks later, after the lab has created your crown and returned it to us, we will see you at the practice to screw it into your dental implant. And voilà! A replacement tooth that looks and functions just like your natural teeth. 


Dental implants can last more than 30 years, but like natural teeth, they require care and attention. Visit your dental hygienist every 3 months if you can, or as regularly as your dentist recommends, and attend regular check-ups with your dentist so that they can monitor your oral health and check that all is in order with your dental implants.

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